Listen up, folks! There comes a day in every person's life when being a mediocre schmuck just won't cut it anymore. It's like a switch flips in your brain, and suddenly, the mere thought of being average makes you want to hurl chunks.

You look around and see your childhood buddies, those mouth-breathers who couldn't outrun a snail, and they're out there living their best lives while you're still stuck in the mud. That's when the wake-up call hits you like a ton of bricks. Maybe it's when you strike out for the millionth time on the baseball field, or when your fifth crappy job gives you the boot, and your family's looking at you like you're a human dumpster fire.

That's the moment when you say, "Enough is enough! I'm not going to be a sad sack of mediocrity anymore!" It's like a spark ignites inside you, a fire that's been smoldering all along, just waiting for you to unwrap that gift of potential you've been too chicken to open.

And once that spark catches, baby, you're a wildfire! You start working your tail off, pushing through the setbacks and failures because, let's be real, success doesn't happen overnight. It's a grind, a relentless pursuit of greatness that'll knock you down more times than you can count. But you keep getting back up, brushing off the dirt, and charging forward like a rabid rhinoceros.

Why? Because the alternative is to go back to being a bland, flavorless nobody, and that's a fate worse than death. When you've tasted the sweet nectar of success, even just a tiny sip, you'll do anything to chase that high again. The blood, sweat, and tears you pour into achieving your dreams become a small price to pay for that euphoric feeling of triumph.

So, stop running from your potential, folks! It's been inside you all along, like a tiny superhero waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Embrace the struggle, the pain, the failure – because that's the stuff that forges true champions. The greatest legends weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouths; they were sculpted by adversity, tempered by the fires of relentless determination.

Don't let the doubters and haters bring you down. Their criticism is just a sad attempt to make themselves feel better about their own missed opportunities and shortcomings. Thank them for acknowledging your greatness, then keep pushing forward, because at the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is the one you have of yourself.

Believe in yourself with every fiber of your being, and never stop striving for more. Success is a lonely path, but it's one paved with glory and fulfillment that the average Joe can only dream of. So, what are you waiting for? Lace up your boots, put on your game face, and get out there and conquer the world! Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor and a hefty supply of antacids, because this ride is going to be one wild, nauseating, and absolutely epic adventure!

NEAL LLOYD              


PICK YOUR HEAD UP!   Listen up, ya bunch of lazy so-and-sos! You think success is just gonna fall in your lap like a delicious pizza? Thin...
